Toddlers and the wheelled toys

The perfect workshop for fathers and children!making a toy with wheels

The Bee-Board Toys are handmade toys made using a very strong cardboard (BB). Bee-Board Paper has honeycomb cells inside, it's simple to cut, shape and light to transport with no sharp edges.
Consequently, this material seemed to me to be really environmentally friendly as well as suitable for activities with children.

During the long workshop (2 or 3 slots of time for a total of 6 or 8 hours) participants will make from 2 to 4 BB-Toys. As teaching strategy these toys will be chosen on a base of a ladder of complexity. The sessions will offer the opportunity to learn unique techniques and to work on this unusual material, which is not wood snake on wheelsand not paper.
Children from 9 to 13 years old could be the perfect target for the workshop, but also parents and their younger children are welcomed. For the decoration of the toy will be used different techniques, reusing scrap fabrics, coloured cards, children's suitable paint, thread of wool.

Participants will be guided on working on cut-off materials - transforming them if they are big, or creatively assembling them if they are small parts. Templates of different balancing, mechanical or wheeled toys will be displayed. Starting from the model participants will be stimulated in making their own design.

Particularly intriguing will be the designing of the wheels with their steering mechanism. It's simple to make something like the wheel; but I would like that participants are designing and making durable, safe wheels. Possibly making all these without using electrical tools, sustaining a hands-on and environmentally friendly atmosphere. The wheels have to work and become parts of a more complex plaything, which function because is ready to enjoy children.
Making all these parts without using electrical tools is not so simple, but we like to stand from the side of sustainability.

bee boad toys