Kite Making workshop

Making a kite is a unique experience which allows participants to feel the freedom of a flying kite passing through tloving kiteheir hands.

To make the toy, I stick to the traditional way of making a simple kite, using ordinary light paper and sticks made of light and softwood or river reefs.
The listed materials and techniques allow the kite player to easily govern the toy (it's easy to learn how to make the kite take off and float in the air) with or without the support of the wind - possibly having the participants running after them.
To support the assembling and decorating activity, the use of ordinary scissors, liquid glue and colourful paper patches are essential.

Is this model of kite enough strong?
No matter the wind, to answer this question we have to consider the brusque or kind touch and manner of its maker and player.
after playing for a while, you can notice some cracks in the edges of the kite. This problem can be easily fixed by adding new patches, and transforming mistakes into additional creative decorations.

Decoration activity will help participants to personalize their works, and sometime it could take longer than the making of the kite.

The model of kite I am teaching, looks like the ones of the past and ancient times when people of Europe used to make their own toys and play in the fields, along side the rivers or streets.rebecca e il suo aquilone

I thankful bear huge respect to the person who first taught me how to make a traditional kite: Medio Calderoni or “the poet of the comet”.

link to Toymaking for everyone page link to the Storytelling page link to the Gocarting page link to the claytoys website link to the creatures of the forest page link to Marbles devices page link to Toddlers and Wheeled toys page link to Soft Toys page link to Kitemaking page